Thursday, February 26, 2009


The movie xXx came out in 2002. I remember watching it in Pensacola with Michael. The character's name was Xander, so that alone could explain the tattoo which in course explains the movie title, but the movie tried to make it deeper, and mysterious. I remember someone saying Vin Diesel was becoming the American 007. But Vin Skipped out on the sequel, and seems to have skipped out on every other franchise (though with Riddick, the new Fast and Furious, and a potential xxx3 it seems he might just like waiting a really long time between sequels.).

So Ice Cube played the starring role in xxx2:State of the Union , uugggh. In xXx, Xander (Diesel) had XXX as a nickname. the Sequel without him makes no sense. Even worse, the line "You're the new XXX" was uttered, and the movie actually tried to turn "XXX" into an equivalent of "007". That's fucking stupid. I'm not going to mince words on that.

But did Ice Cube really steal the name from Vin? I submit to you new evidence that has been brought to my attention (only by mental connection). In the 1998 song "Children of the Korn" by Korn, the line "generation XXX" can be clearly heard. What's the significance? Ice Cube recorded with Korn on that song.

This shows that 4 years before Vin dabbled in spy work, Korn and Ice Cube professed to be a part of an entire generation "XXX". So I guess there's a little XXX in all of us.

But what is XXX? First thing to come to my mind is the jugs of liquor in old Warner Bros. Cartoons.

I'd look up the history of XXX on jugs but the INTERNET IS FOR PORN. Which brings me to the second idea of XXX.

Back in the ancient times, before the internet, porn could only be watched via tapes, or in theaters. Because of the nature of porn (independent, low budget, specific adult audience) porn movies usually didn't have MPAA ratings. The original rating "X" was innocuous and applied to any movie that was especially graphic. In the 70s, porn took over the rating, as it was never an official rating, and made it a signature of the industry. In a game of oneupmanship promoters began giving their movie more xs to signify more extreme content, this is where the XXX-rated movie came from. Though it was never official, and the internet has made ratings (especially for porn) completely pointless the term still remains prominent. You can't do a Google search for "XXX" in any capacity without porn as the chief result. My image search for "XXX bottle" got 90% porn and one or two actual bottles with XXX on them. XXX has become so casually related to porn that one of the results for "XXX bottle" was someone on a website saying they had played a "XXX game of spin the bottle" apparently in this context, XXX didn't even have a remote application to a loosely defined rating of actors in a movie engaging in sex, only that the spin the bottle game involved nudity, not sex, not filmed nudity for distribution, just flashing friends. I'd call that Pg-13, R at best.