Thursday, October 21, 2004


I apparently can't have enough of all the bullshit in this world, because I haven't gone on a killing spree yet. In los Estados Unidos, we have a "Constitution". The Constitution was written Vaguely on purpose, "justice, common defense, and secure the blessings of liberty." etc. It implied we are free, we will maintain this freedom, and fuck collectivism. Some people knew there are way too many stupid people in the world, so they had the first ten amendments drafted to spell out what the Constitution already implied. But of course, every damn day since then fuckers have been devising ways to crumble it.

What really gets me is when people try to use some of the rights as an excuse to violate others. "Freedom of Speech" means that you can't be JUDICIALLY PUNISHED for what you say. It doesn't mean people have to listen to you. If you are a performer and you say something that pisses off the owner of the theater you are performing in, the owner can kick your ass out. If you tell your boss to fuck off, he can fire you, and if you tell your teacher to fuck off, you can be expelled, why? Because we also have property rights, we don't have to allow anyone to stay on our property for any reason. Having freedom of speech means the government can't punish you, but everyone else can. If people weren't allowed to boot out people they didn't like listening to, then we lose the right to privacy. The 4th amendment. If no private property can be held, and controlled privately, we lose everything. Anyone who knows dick about capitalism, democracy, this nation or any other knows that private property is the first step to "freedom" Capitalism was born on the concept of private ownership. Empires and dictatorships rely on the concept that everything belongs to everyone. That no man woman or child could be so selfish as to want to own anything. My arch nemesis Michael Moore made an "Open Letter" claiming American soldiers are fighting right now to protect our freedom of speech and that the business owner he was attacking had no right to kick out a singer for voicing support for Michael Moore. He claimed that kicking out a performer for supporting someone the owner didn't like was a violation of the first amendment. Well being a war fighter, being one who swore to defend the Constitution of the United States, I say you are the enemy Michael Moore. If you want to destroy property rights just to allow some bitch to sing songs about you, you are the one trying to crush the Constitution. If a person can't control their own property, who's to say that they can say whatever they want in front of other people? Who's to say that each individual should be allowed to pick their profession, if they can't even have their own house, with property used "in the best interest of the people" why not use people "in the best interest of the people" they're just jobs. Why not make a doctor perform his services at half cost so poor people can get attention? Why not make the drug companies simultaneously pay all their employees more money and lower their prices so poor people can get the drugs? Why not make every rich guy pay for everything until he's poor too? Why not tax everyone at 100% And then redistribute the money evenly? Why not execute the most talented people when they refuse to provide their high quality goods at dirt cheap prices, in fact, why not execute anyone with any talent that makes them stand out, so the "underprivileged" can have their fair shot at running everything they could not possibly have created? Why not? It's only "fair" to give everyone a chance. Well my idiots, this is all old news, Stalin already did this, he executed the skilled and put the idiots in charge, he gave everyone a "fair" share, only there wasn't shit because the idiots couldn't figure it out, bread lines, and so they tried to bring back the skilled, and forced them under threat of death to produce for everyone and get nothing in return, but more threats of death. Of course this kind of good natured thinking inspired such countries as North Korea to invade the south. China to invade Tibet, and Democrats to invade America. Yep, I said it. The Democrats want you to work for everyone, and get nothing in return. I know its a little off subject, but when you get down to it, all of the "goals" of the Democrats involve either raping the Constitution, or raping the skilled or both. They call the skilled "The Rich" ohhhh scary, but they never say why the rich got that way in the first place, could it be because they did stuff like invent Coca Cola or build the first Wall-Mart, naw all rich people are evil thieves, they NEVER do ANYTHING GOOD for the"People" let's tax them 80% Hell The rich are already taxed 50% and that's after Bush supposedly gave them "huge" tax cuts. You probably don't understand the concept of being taxed 50% Its like this, you make a machine say a "computer" that makes every person who uses it happy. You make everyone's life better, and because this "computer" is so wonderful, everyone buys it. So you instantly become rich, but wait, 50% of that goes right back to the government. So you are not rich. But then more people buy your computer, and you make newer and better versions. Other people make computers too, but they suck at it. So all of a sudden you're rich again, and even after the Gov. ass rapes your bank, you are still rich, but HARK! An asshole in the front row is pissed, because now that you're rich, you are EVIL! So he must stop you, he can't get away with physical murder so instead he tries to take you're life the easy way. You broke your back to make the "computer" and now anyone can make one, but nobody buys the other computers. How can you stop a man from making money off computers that he sells to people whose lives are better, I know! MONOPOLY! MONOPOLY The man screams it all the way to Washington, and so your are charged with the crime of being TOO SUCCESSFUL you fulfilled the "American Dream" and now your 're gonna pay! So the government takes you're company away from you, they say "You are too successful, your wonderful machines must no longer help people, people should be forced to buy crappy 'computers' too, in the best interest of the people you must no longer do them any good, unless of course you share all your new ideas with the crappy 'computer' makers." Well my idiots, this is old news, America already did this to Bill Gates. Of course it is only a coincidence that one day after the government ass raped Bill Gates, the whole fucking stock market crashed all the ".coms" went bankrupt and we went into a recession for a year. Only a coincidence. No wait it was Bill Gate's fault, he's rich, he must be evil. He must have inherited all that money, or sold poisoned rats to three year old or dumped oil on kittens or something, shit we should tax him 800% and kill him. Fuck the American Dream, fuck the "Supreme Law of the Land" we must destroy in order to create, we must kill in order to live, we must be evil to remove evil, we must sacrafice, we must unite, all stupid unproductive people hear my plea, rise, rise to kill every happy man woman and child, so that when you look around maybe for once, your mud hut is the best looking one in town. * As a late addition I would like to note, the proclamation I made is similar to the 9th Amendment;

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Of course the intention of the 9th wasn't the point I was making, but its existance furthers my point that the stated rights in the Constitution, don't grant the violation of others.

I also remember when I read the Constitution years ago, there was a part mentioning, any powers not specifically ascribed in the Constitution, belong to the people. Which brings me to other things that really piss me off like the unconstitutionality of bonus government agencies like the DMV, Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, and so forth. Each single handedly urinating on the Constitution, as a whole uniting in a big Piss Pool Party where they all take turns dunking the Constitution in a kiddie pool of their urine and then leave it out on the grass for a few days, the dogs shit on it, then by day 3 they soak it in gasolene and hold magnifying glasses to the parts they don't like, the joke being, no matter which part they don't like, the whole Constitution will burn.

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