Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I like what Rich Di Donato said about people who hate, so I'll paraphrase; "Jesus Christ was loved enough that people followed him for the rest of his life, and yet even the man who was without sin was hated enough to be murdered. If Jesus couldn't get everyone to like him, don't sweat it when someone hates you." I personally hate only a select few living people. Michael Moore, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong Il. Maybe a couple more, I don't care. What gets me is when people hate me. Sure, I'm an asshole, but I only act like it to other assholes. I never insult people who aren't attacking me and I don't talk shit unless necessary. I am contrasting myself to Jesus in that, I'm not trying to get anyone on my side. I am a complete individual. I'm nowhere near "sinless" either, not believing in God or respecting religion at all are just too blatant examples. I dedicate this post to all that have managed to find some aspect of me that causes them to wish my death.

I love air. wind makes me happy. I love the sky, rain, snow, hail, sunshine and clouds make me happy. I love success, art and technology make me happy. I love humans, people doing things make me happy. I love life, thoughts, feelings actions and randomness make me happy. I love truth, objectivism makes me happy. I think objectively, therefore nothing I love is unconditional. I love writing, and doing so makes me happy. I only hate that which tries to destroy what I love, for I love it. What do you love? Am I trying to destroy it? If I am, I am happy. I love to destroy what I hate.