Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Feel a Rant Coming

Kanye West. Lord of War. Thanksgiving. Fuck it. I went from being a Green to a Republican because of a man named Michael Savage. I am no longer a “Republican” but so much more. Dr. Savage inspired me to question that which is glazed over. Dr. Laura inspired in me defined morality.

Fuck you Michael you god damn hypocrite. Fuck New Orleans. Die. Similarly fuck you Kanye West you dumb fuck. If George Bush hated black people Miss Rice would only be a sad Republican mentioned as a fool in an old issue of Rolling Stone. NO SHUT THE FUCK UP! Racists don’t hide their Racism by doing non racist things. It is the essence of action that defines reality. The act defines itself. Woodrow Wilson hated black people. Democrats hate black people. I hate Kanye West.

Michael Savage let me down these last few weeks. He has gone against the philosophy of life and held idols as gods. Christianity doesn’t need “under God”. Politics need “under God” In the media I have only heard reference to Objectivist once, ever. An Objectivist was trashed by Michael Savage who claimed he worshiped Ayn Rand. Michael Savage’s contention being that Rand was a Russian therefore must have been a Socialist. What? Way to go with living up to my expectations that you not glaze over small details like what Ayn Rand devoted her life to, before insulting a man on national air because you’re so upset about “under God” being contested by “The people’s atheist” Michael Newdow. You cry for the wire-tapping of every Mosque in the Nation. You have lost it. Fuck “under God” and not because it’s religious, but because it’s political. It was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the fifties by an act of congress. It makes me sick to think I had to recite that shit because politics demanded it.

New Orleans isn’t worth the cost. Our shitty government is going to give the equivalent of $200,000 per person to New Orleans. Sounds like they all won the lottery. Meanwhile the rest of America will go into recession. I’m one who doesn’t believe in any sacrifice, but saving a “Sinful” city at the cost of an entire nation is beyond retarded. New Orleans won’t be a city in a couple hundred years anyway. The whole area has been steadily falling into the Gulf. Fuck the levies; I’m talking about the Gulf of Mexico. It will wash away all of it.

I do suppose its Bush’s fault that the rescuers couldn’t come in sooner, because Bush didn’t order Daisy Cutters to be dropped to clear out the armed looters. The argument is that the President of the United States didn’t get a bus a drive into New Orleans BEFORE the levies broke and miraculously persuade every man woman and child to leave. Because it IS AFTER ALL the President’s job to save people from floods. Wait no I am mistaken, it is the President’s job to force every Mayor in America to spend everything possible to protect every city in America from every possible NATURAL DISASTER. And to send all of Earth’s natural resources to a disaster ridden area and miraculously dodge bullets Matrix style as looters celebrate. Federal agents should be paid $50,000 a year to live in boats on wheels on the edges of every city in America with millions of dollars of emergency supplies in case the Mayors' endless budgets don’t prevent temperatures from changing, the seas from rising, the rain from falling, the wind from blowing, the continents to shift. In fact we should just stab everyone on Earth and use their blood and guts to build a bridge that the New Orleans refugees can use to cross in and out of Texas. Then we should give Texas to the New Orleans Refugees, and send the current residents to New Mexico.

Never mind the fact rescuers got into New Orleans FASTER than they did in previous devastated areas, despite the looters, the constant problem of water, and complete lack of “government”. They were ‘too slow’. An entire city went under water, and less than one percent of its people died.

When I was living in San Francisco I was poor. Really poor. My meals were free at school so all we needed was dinner and a place to sleep. All my clothes were Goodwill. All the places I slept were “goodwill” as well. We slept in living rooms, shelters and hotels. The “Covered Wagon” was a classic, located in what FOX 2 called the most dangerous area in San Francisco, the CW is better known for its first floor live music bar, the second floor is painfully aware of this. Every day was a challenge, where will we sleep, how am I going to scrounge up $1.10 to pay for the bus for my brother, sister, and me? We had no stable location, save one, the library. I would meet my family at the Parkside Library because it was near our schools. For consistency’s sake I’ll say my mother told us in the event of emergency we were to proceed to the library no matter what, so we could come together, and leave town. We were poor as fuck, but that wouldn’t have kept us from getting out of dodge. To the discredit of New Orleans even I new it was below sea level and to be sure my Mother would have made our meeting point above the water line. I’m just saying being poor isn’t an excuse to be stranded in a city. If you have legs, walk or swim. In this library I certainly didn’t do a whole lot of homework, hence my being in the Navy, not college. I did read. I read more books in that library in two years than all the books I had ever read in the 16 previous years. One of the books I read a little was “Lies My Teacher Told Me” Which I recently purchased. The book reveals to those fortunate enough to gaze upon it that our history books are written like the Pledge of Allegiance. Columbus not only didn’t discover anything, but he committed genocide. He completely depopulated Cuba and Haiti in his conquests of 1493. I have been fortunate enough to learn that pre Euro intrusion into America, the population was about 20 million. The plague from Europe wiped out 95% of the people, and the Pilgrims killed the rest with poisons and guns. Thanksgiving is a celebration of racist, immoral “God –fearing” Europeans raping and pillaging and enslaving. Woodrow Wilson hated black people, in fact he hated everyone who wasn’t a white male, and even then they had to be American born and proud of it. Wilson so thoroughly waged war on the people of South America that there wasn’t a year of his presidency that didn’t have Marines killing foreigners. He forced communist dictatorships into power. His successors had to adopt what was known as a “Good Neighbor Policy” to counter act Wilson’s wrath. Helen Keller was a raging communist; she even helped found the ACLU. At the start of the Russian revolution she screamed support for the Reds, while Wilson sent Marines to die in Vladivostok fighting in a foreign country’s civil war. What does this have to do with anything? It all relates to me. I see that not only is our country built on lies, but can’t wait to destroy itself to save stupid poor people. I see the people I thought were sensible aren’t even in the ballpark. I used to think the US had a good 200 years left in it. Now I see America never was, and can’t wait to prove it.

Meanwhile I got the “Lord of War” monkey on my back. It was an intense movie. I don’t doubt its claimed level of veracity, but its conclusions are left unquestioned. I must question them. Because it is yet another anti-gun movie. This time a really good one. I am excessively pro-gun, I believe eight year old should be able to own AK-47s, I believe civilians should be able to possess RPGs. I see no limit. Arm everyone. BUT, this movie makes a strong case against such a venture. Enough to keep me quiet for two days. I am after all an Objectivist, and I do value truth above all. I thought about where Nick Cage’s character went wrong. I easily defined his immorality of being adulterous and a liar. But the selling of guns to killers isn’t clear cut. Moral standards dictate that a man of justice would not sell weapons to men who clearly intend to use them in immoral ways. The conclusion I made is that I would have been with Cage through it all until he fucked over his brother to save his own life and make money. I contend that a man of justice would have refused to sell the weapons to men who were about to slaughter other people. The conflict was that the murderers would have killed Cage’s character if he didn’t sell them the weapons, but a rational man wouldn’t have put himself in such a situation. For arguments sake if such an unfortunate event did occur where my hypothetical moral arms dealer where faced with such a decision, this person should have acted nether like Cage’s character, nor his suicidal brother, instead he should have casually walked over to the merchandise, armed himself, and taken his chances, even if his own death is the result. I don’t believe in sacrifice, nor do I believe dying while defending your morality is sacrifice. I do believe guns are objects of men and they are neither good nor evil, but can be used for both. I support the moral use of weapons. I guess I would be the “Mr. Wise” character who curiously shares my last name. Although his decisions later in the movie completely contradict his original declaration of standards when he said, “Choose sides.” I say choose sides as well, but on a smaller more infinite scale, 0 or 1, 1 or 0. Individual all the way.

This about wraps up this horrible rant, I really only wrote it to kill time while my stupid ship pulls in. I can’t believe I have to wait ashore. It’s actually more frustrating than when I’m onboard waiting to pull in. Here on shore I have freedom taunting me. I can see it but I can’t touch it, I just wait and wait.

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