Sunday, April 06, 2008

Charlton Heston: Hero Of The People

Charlton Heston was a hero by the strictest Ayn Rand standards. His bravery in WW2. His portrayl of heroic men in movies and refusal to compromise in lesser roles. His greatness as a solid husband and father. And his great leadership in many organizations including the SAG, AFI, and of course NRA. "You will get my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers." -Chuck Heston

Don’t worry Mr. Heston, I’ve got a gun in each hand, and they’ll only be prying bullets from those who’d take them from me.

I’ve been a hardcore supporter of the 2nd ammendment for many years now. I joined the California Rifle and Pistol Association in 2001. I bought my first gun, a 1944 Turkish Mauser in January 2002. I bought my second gun, a brand spanking new Glock 36, which is like the smallest most powerfull, badass, handgun in existence. In fact I’ll devote this next paragraph to the Glock.

The Glock 36 sells for about $700 retail which is about the same price as most Glocks, and is incredibly more expensive than most other guns, to give an example a 90% condition Smith and Wesson revolver from the 1860s which is the first pistol on earth to have self contained bullets in a revolving chamber (first modern gun) sells for about $600 today. So national treasure- $600, my Glock - $700. The Glock 36 has an inline magazine making the grip smaller than every other .45 magazine pistol. It is a sub-compact design, so it fits in my pocket. Normally small guns are not very powerful or accurate, but this is a .45 which can kill anyone from pretty much any distance, and I have tried it out on the range many times and I just annihilate the bullseye. Even if a .45 doesn’t kill you, the bullet is so damn big whatever it hits won’t function properly.

Most of the socialist world has banned the right to bear arms, and they are brain washed to think this is the right way of things, so you may find at all times a pro-gun position to be a minority. Especially here on the internet. Even if every American were pro-gun, that would still be an extreme minority on the internet. So if you read this and feel the same way I do about the constitution, know that this isn’t a common belief and we have to stick to together. The Socialists hate individual authority, and that is exactly what a gun represents.

I was reading The L.A. Times obituary on Mr. Heston and in the comments section I noticed a lot of devilish remarks about him simply because he believed in defending the Constitution. They made repeated reference to "babies dying in the streets" which is so absurd that there really can’t be any brain functioning in there.

I don’t know how to put this succinctly because it requires such a background establishment, but I will say this, there is a reason every founding father went out of their way to specifically state why the right for civillians to have guns, and the need for civillians to have guns was so imperitive. And it wasn’t for defense against "the King of England" as lefty Simpsons implied or is oft mis reported. We have the right to bear arms, so we can literally kill our leaders. Our founding fathers knew bullshit evil dicators come about, and they said the need for Americans to have a gun to kill them was priority, to defend all other rights. Without the fourth ammendment, no other rights are possible, without the second ammendment, no rights are guaranteed.

Charlton Heston is as much famous for his acting as he is for his support of the second ammendment, but is much more hated for this than loved. This is a scary thing to me. Only criminals keep guns when guns are outlawed. There are just as many murders in countries without guns as countries with guns. No amount of regulation can remove knives, which kill waaay more people. No amount of regulation can remove cars, which kill compounded exponents of more people. No amount of regulation can remove buckets of water that kill 10-1 kids, vs. guns. No amount of socialism can stop people from dying. Only people who have actually lived can be killed, if you value the life you can’t limit it. A man forced into a box for his own protection will never die unjustly, but he will never justly live either. There can be no compromise about an individual's rights. DON’T FUCK WITH MY LIBERTY.

Charlton Heston was a hero. He made a profound impact on humanity, and will be remembered.

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