Having the Y chromosome makes you a male, for the most part. No matter how many Xs you have. But if you happen to have two or three Xs, and a Y, you have Klinefelter syndrome. About 1 in 1000 people have this. Humans with Klinefelter syndrome tend to have learning disabilities, especially with language. But this is something they usually grow out of. At puberty other affects are revealed, tallness, small testicles, breast development, female body contours, and sparse body hair. Most of this from lower levels of testosterone. Sperm counts are also low because the body has trouble processing all the extra Xs, so without technology, they are usually infertile.
A Person with no Ys is a female for the most part. If she has only 1 X, she has Turner syndrome. This affects 1 in 4,000 people. Having only one X prevents full "female" development. The girl may not go through puberty, may never develop ovaries, won't grow tall, won't grow breasts, basically without technology will live to be a permanent child.
Having lots of Xs like XXX is known as Triple-X syndrome. It affects 1 in 2000 births. People with this may have cognitive deficits and low fertility. Otherwise they are mostly unremarkable.
Finally there's XYY syndrome. Having one Y makes you a man. Having more just screws you up. Men with 2 Ys are shown to be lower in intelligence than average, have low fertility, and some have genital anomalies. Studies have shown that men with XYY are more likely to be criminals, possibly because of the lower intelligence.
Instances where incomplete or compromised Xs and Ys can result in other mixtures of the sexes. Hermaphrodites are my example of choice.
One thing I want to get clear, South Park is completely wrong, and so is 99% of people's concept of a "True Hermaphrodite". There is no such thing as a person with male and female sex parts capable of becoming pregnant, and making others pregnant. Hermaphrodites develop partially male sex organs, and partially female. The extreme majority are completely incapable of reproducing. Only one hermaphrodite has ever been known to father a child, and only several have become pregnant. This only becomes possible if enough of the sex organs develop, which is unusual, and never completely male and female. Usually a deformed hybrid of gonads and female external genitalia develops. People with ambiguous sexuality are "intersex".
Obviously human development isn't perfect. It is a whole lot of things mostly going right, and some going wrong that make up most people. Sometimes the part that goes wrong is minute, but catastrophic. Sometimes it may never be noticed. Considering that the very idea of there being only MAN and WOMAN is flawed, that we are indeed one species that usually goes to those poles, but finds room in between and off to the sides, how can you in good moral conscious condemn these people?
A man who thinks he is a woman, a woman who thinks she is a man, often times on a genetic level truly are what they think they are, to an extent. There are so many variants, so many issues. Can you righteously declare that their birth is subhuman? Should they die for their existence? Is their natural and common development a sin?
Can you justify on ANY grounds that declaring a woman is a sinner if she desires other women, even when A WOMAN CAN BE CAPABLE OF MAKING ANOTHER WOMAN PREGNANT? Can you justify punishing BY THE WORD OF GOD a man for loving another man, when man is capable of becoming a woman, growing breasts, taking female form, growing ovaries, and becoming pregnant? All by their very birth, handed down to them by God or by nature?
I say to you that there is only the individual. Race, sexuality, sexual development, gender are justifications for oppression, punishment, or barrier in a land of the "free"? How free can man be, when it is illegal to be born for some, but not for others? How can birth be the descent into sin for some, but not for others?
I say to you that it does not matter if two men can reproduce with each other. They are individuals, and aught be righted at birth, not wronged by your faith. But that a man and a woman who cannot become pregnant is proof of your hatred and hypocrisy. That a man CAN make another man pregnant, by RIGHT OF NATURE, you would still deny REALTY and cast them off as FREAKS deserving only pity or scorn depending on what side of the church door you stand.
1 in 1,000. 1 in 1,000 your government doesn't consider a human, just a sinner from birth. 1 in 1,000 your god forsakes in his book as a crime against him worthy of only death. 1 in 1,000 is in every crowd you have ever seen. 1,000 is fewer than you see in a day, but you would STOMP 1:1000 to the ground with your vile words, making them hate themselves for existing.
But if we added up all the numbers. All the people who are less, who don't count, I'm sure the odds would be a bit higher, to this government most of Earth's populace is "Un-American" and deserving a turned back, or a full metal jacket in the guts. Most of Earth's populace has been condemned to eternal hell by your God, as all who do not believe, or have sinned, or have been born and have never heard.
These are not exaggerations. You condemn HUMANITY in your mind before you set foot out your door. You demand HELL WITH A BULLET for almost all of humanity. Except for the few. The precious few. Depending on who exactly you are, they may be anyone, usually XY, they may be anywhere, usually your country, they may believe anything, usually your religion.
What's stopping you from acting? Fear. Fear of reality. Fear of failure. This whole of Earth, held together by fear of retribution by the whole of Earth. Some bonding glue we have no?
Is it breaking apart? Do you feel the old bonds cracking in the dry sun? Will humans need to die?
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