Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Latino in America


I am a lover of the world. I am a lover of individual enterprise, personal accountability and success. I'm going to tackle a bit of what I think about immigration in America.

Past: America is notorious for its history of immigrant hating. It's pretty much the reason the colonies formed so far from each other. Many later immigration spurts were tightly controlled, delineated, or completely cut off.

Apology: Every nation worth its salt has some form of immigration control. Even the nations that bitch about American immigration laws, have immigration restrictions themselves. This isn't an America-centric issue, and in many cases, America is nowhere as restrictive as other nations. In fact, that's really the big argument. The people who want no law, vs. the people who want the current laws enforced.

Present: You can walk into America. You can drive into America. You can fly into America. You can work, and vacation, and learn in America. Legally. No matter where you are from.

Becoming a citizen is a bit more complicated.

My opinion: I think there should be a logical and fairly rapid process to become a citizen.

Anyone that the military accepts into their ranks should immediately become a citizen.

Anyone who has no criminal record, should be able to become a citizen.

Anyone who has a job in-line, or a critical skill, should be able to become a citizen.

Anyone born in America should be able to become a citizen.

And many more...

On the other side, I think a criminal, with no job, and no skills, should have some way of becoming a citizen.


As America becomes progressively more like a welfare state, the issue of nationality is critical.

You want some more of my opinions?

There should be no welfare, social security, or free health care. Period. It's ruining this nation.

Back on track.

Mexico is the primary source of immigrants. And millions come over illegally. And Mexico, being in the sad socialist way it is, does not have a wealthy or educated populace.

This wouldn't be a problem, but combined with America's welfare state, and basically American workers, are paying to support people who came here illegally and don't make enough to live on their own.

So you get angry people, who take out their frustrations on the immigrants.

Once again America's bullshit mixed economy is to blame.

Welfare State, with open borders = poverty for everyone.

Notice in truly socialist nations, borders are tightly controlled, both ways.

Even Mexico has serious border control, just not on the American border.

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