Thursday, November 24, 2005

My computer's battery will die in 8 min.

You can bet I've stressed myself into a corner. I think I'm in love, that's never happened before. Though it may just be a desire for change. I am trying to not fuck up everything, and I was so close to completly destroying myself. Oh the irony, I can't even fuck up without fucking up my fucking up. 8 min.? I vanquished all the summer mold that had invaded my house while I was underway. I ate noodles and Kim chi for Thanksgiving, and subsequently pissed off too many people doing it. Jesus fucking Christ, you live like a king eat what you want get fat and happy nobody cares, you try to eat healthy and everybody has an oppinion as to why you should act another way. Like when my dad got endless shit for his Atkins diet, which worked By The Way. He lost 30 pounds and has kept it off for two years. Still 8min.? No way, my computer's lying. I want to say much, but whatever. I added a bunch of photos. Not a lot of photos exist of me, I'm usually the one with a camera. 7min. Everytime I think about drinking I remember my Mom, and then I say, well I won't drink THAT much, then I remember Ayn Rand, and I think, Fuck drinking I should be writing or discussing, or building shit, but I'm a little lazy so then I just feel bad, and want a drink, then I feel worse. 6min. Its not all bad, I have butt loads of money because I don't blow it on alcohol. Time's up. I said, and I meant it. I love her, but I won't let the bitch kill me with her sadism.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


My last day in Hong Kong
I don't think I'll be going back. Not in the Navy anyway. My last day in Hong Kong I was on duty, I had shore patrol, and I wrote the previous post. Our SP group consisted of Ens. Kirk, STG2 Schlittler, OS1 Means, and me. We were supposed to be out from 1700-0200. We didn't get off the fleet landing until 1830. A quick walk through Wan Chai showed that there were no sailors getting plastered just yet, so we went to a restaurant in a little district I never heard of, Lan Kwai something. Anyway we sat around for an hour listening to a couple drunk Limeys talk about business. At about 2000 we went back to the "Wanch" as alcohol swilling sailors who love Yokos "Honch" district called it. We went into a strip club that claims to be the first in Hong Kong, and was featured in the James Bond movie "The Man With The Golden Gun." The owner said it was closed until he realized we were Navy and wanted to know when our ship was leaving, apparently he thought we were already gone and he had let his strippers go for the evening. Next we went to a horribly noisy night club called Neptune II Disco Club. They played mostly Lil Jon, and their in house band stank it up every hour or so. Ms. Kirk decided we would post here, and she went to sleep. I got bored and started talking to the people at the bar. I met a man who used to be an EM in the Navy and he was there with his wife and daughter. He kept trying to offer up his daughter to me, and pondering about my drinking only Coke unitl he realized I was on duty and such shenanigans were for another night. Another guy I talked to was from Stockton! He said he owned a restaurant on March in the Venitian Plaza back in '83. He pointed out that the whores that filled this club were all hot and weren't frowned upon because everyone around here is Buddhist. They figure things are the way they are and that's that, whether the girl next to you is a prostitute or a bartender doesn't matter. I hadn't realized all the women there were prostitutes, but I knew some had to be, you just don't get rows of beautiful women standing around for hours doing nothing any other way.One by one the prostitutes got picked up by well dressed older men, they danced and drank. We just sat there. We left around midnight and checked out the other bars, all the sailors had left if they had been there at all. Normally there would be most of the ship getting drunk at Joe Bannanas but this was the last day and E-5 and below had to be back onboard by 0100. We did manage to find a group of Junior officers who were quite trashed, they were all in a festive mood, festive enough for STG2 to get several entertaining photographs. My favorite line from one of the JO's ramblings was "That Ensign Areola chick really knows how to grind." They apparently weren't done partying so we all went back to Neptune. Shore Patrol stood around and watched them dance. I was in the back just aching to go to bed and some prostitute thought I needed attention, so she grabbed me by my cheeks and made me smile. Of course the smile didn't last, even if I did find standing around watching drunk sailors dance entertaining, I was more sleepy than could be countered. This didn't deter her and she kept whispering stuff into my ear. She even tried to get me to drink her liquer, not my own glass, her mostly drunk one. She aimed the strw at my mouth and had me against the wall, so I obliged. It was so watered down it makes me believe she was more of a "Buy me a drink girl." Maybe the club gives watered down drinks to the prostitutes and rips off the guys buying the drinks, I guess it makes sense, that way the prostitiutes are welcome to hang out in the club to pick up men, the guys can act like they are picking up real women, and just getting lucky, and the club makes lots of money from this. Around 0130 we left and went back to the ship.