Saturday, June 03, 2006

Entertaining International Women

The first night I danced with two groups of filipino girls. Then I went to McDonald's and met a Colombian woman. I talked to her for about 20 minutes in Spanish. From it I learned three new Spanish words, baracho (drunk) inebrio (inebriated or as she said, "A pretty way to say drunk" Except that she said that last quote in Spanish) pelegroso (careful). She gave me her business card and had to go back to work. I went to a pub and made fun of this Irish girl, and her Limey friend. I made fun of the Limey, because she was a Limey, and I made fun of the Irish girl, for having a Limey friend. Then I went back to Wall Street. The first girl I saw in there grabbed me and started feeling me up.
"I like your stomach" she said. "I want to lick it."
"That's cool, go right ahead." I replied. Then she stuck her hand down my pants and grabbed my penis. I was a little shocked. "Where are you from?"
"Malaysia." I left. I ended up at Gas Panic. Gas Panic always has a majority of Japanese people (Nihonjin). The waiters and waitresses are always assholes. I danced with a few Nihonjin girls. A group of French women came in and one stayed. I hunted her down, and danced with her for a couple hours. I was kissing her and rubbing her right. She wouldn't shut up about how the girls were dancing on the bar. Then she decided I had to battle for the privilege of dancing with her. She put me up against a Nihonjin guy and we took turns grinding on her. I made a sweet move when I managed to dance with her, and massage her at the same time. That Nihonjin bastard stole my flavor and tried to kick it up a notch. My next turn I decided to stop fucking around. I rubbed her all over, including her, well everywhere, you know. She wasn't too down with that, and informed me that I lost. A minute later the music stopped and the lights came on, so in your face Nihonjin douche, and French bitch! Some might say I lost more than a dance, but if you think about it, if she wasn't down with being rubbed, she wasn't going home with the winner. I went home and got to sleep around 7:30AM. I was awoken at 2pm by a Mikoshi parade camped in front of my house. International talley, 4 Philipino danced, two said no, 1 was clearly underage, 1 I got really freaky with. 1 French girl danced and kissed and fondled alot, 3 said no. 3 Japanese girls danced, 0 said no (but some were totally oblivious to all guys, fucking lesbains). 1 beautiful Colombian girl spoke slowly so I could understand her, and desire her more. 1 Malaysian chick sexually harassed me (hell yeah, not the first time!)
Saturday night I went to Roppongi again. First girls I saw I heard speaking Spanish, they turned about to be Peruanas (Peruvian girls) I layed down a wall of espanol, but they said I was too young for them, fucking shit, I shave my face and people think I'm a fucking kid. I know they make a big deal about me being 23, maybe I should just lie. I had about lost hope with the place when my hand caught the hip of a cute Nihonjin girl. I immediately struck like a viper and had two girls, one for each hip rubbing hand. The other girl was half Japanese, and half Philipino. She spoke English fluently. The Nihonjin guys that were with these girls bought me a drink. I danced with the girls while trying to talk to these guys. They turned out to be Japanese soldiers. I kept trying to tell them I was Navy, but they kept saying "Ranger?" So I gave up and let them think I was special forces. After a while I picked up another Japanese girl and she danced and grinded and got all kinds of dirty. She kept parading me around and telling everyone she knew that I was her man. Then she asked if I would get her some chapagne. I said sure and she frenched me. Then I saw what she wanted, a $400 bottle of alcohol. I told her no way. She blew me off after that, and I left. I ran about a mile around Roppongi to sober up a bit, I have never felt so good running in my life.

When did it become ok for girls outside of California to say "like" profusely? If a girl says "like" all the time, and she isn't from California, she's a bitch. If she is from California, she's probably a bitch, but who knows. As soon as I stopped running I saw the bar/grill the Columbian girl worked at. I went in and had some mixed drink with Tequila and Grenadine, and something else. She smiled alot but wasn't hangning out much, I think I'll email her, but I don't think she's too interested in me. That's the sweet part about an email. I can disect it, no b.s., no interference. Then ended up in a bad position trying to sober up after 3 or so shitty clubs, I just watched other people.

I noticed all the white girls were bitches, including these two models who were from California and Tennesse. They kept leaving and coming back. Why do white bitches even show up? They always hide in a corner, or at the bar. If they don't want to get with guys, they came to EXACTLY THE WORST PLACE ON EARTH. Roppongi is all about hooking up for a while, that's it. There are thousands of bar in Tokyo, only one Roppongi, stupid white bitches. I can understand if they are just being picky, but I have yet to see one single white chick from any country get with any guy that didn't come in with her, (Then Joshua remembers the French chick from the night before, and declares her a scientific oddity.)

Anyway some dude kept trying to drag a girl out of the bar and when the guy she was with was kicked out for being too drunk, she was alone. So I followed her out and made sure that fuck didn't drag her off into any alleys. Then I was offered about 4000 massages and I offered a masaji girl a massage for 2000 Yen. I decided to wait till I was completely sober so I wouldn't pass out on the train. I killed the time by writing this right now. Perfect timing, one hour for 400 Yen, the hour is up in two minutes.

Night two talley, Shot down by 2 Peruanas, even though estuvi el solo persana alli que habla espanol, chinga sus madres. 3 Nihonjin girls, including much loving, 0 nihonjin shot me down, but that one bitch, I saw her later, she tried to get me to go into a club with her, I told her it was fucked up that she blew me off for Champagne, I'm a sailor, I don't get paid. So I told her to fuck off. 1 Colombian woman didn't give me enough love. Lots of white girls ignored me and every other guy. Fuck white girls. Now I'm not looking forward to California anymore, you all suck. All in all, I got more love, love, loving from all those women of 8 or so countries than that filthy lying, oh, I won't finish that sentence. Fuck America. That's better. Solo un poco baracho ahorra. Fue como una idiota y empezo una hora mas. No tengo mas cosas hacer en el interneto. Ahorra necesito pagar para dos horas. ahh, pero esta bien, esta bien. Solo yo necisito usar el bano mucho pero no quiero levantar, No se el espanol, pero en ingles es "ironic" o estupido, no seguro.

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