Monday, November 24, 2008


I haven't logged in since 2005. lol. It took 15 minutes for me to be able to log in to the "new" blogger. It just kept doing loops of the same 3 pages over and over until I was about to post on the issues forum and then it magically worked. 

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Japan's Name

日本 which is pronounced "Nihon" or "Nippon" is the proper name of Japan.
日本 is made up of two "Kanji". Kanji is the Japanese usage of Chinese characters. The rules are slightly different in translation, and the spoken languages are completely different but because Kanji uses symbology rather than direct phonetics sometimes the meaning is the same even when the pronunciations are different.
Now I'm going to tell you something I figured out all by myself and I don't care what anyone else says.
Japan is known as "Land of the Rising Sun". Which is supposed to imply the day begins in Japan, as Japan is the eastern-most land in Asia.
Japan is just a bunch of mountains and Valleys, so I can tell you from experience it is hard to actually see a sunrise in Japan.

日= "Nichi" means 'day' and 'sun'. Like in the adoption of the concept of 'Sunday' Japan took it literal and made it 'sun day' or 'nichiyobi' and shows up twice 日曜日.
本 = "Hon" means 'book'. It also means 'origin'.
日本 = "Nihon" could literally be understood as 'sun origin'.
"Land of the Rising Sun" doesn't refer to 'sunrise' but rather the actual sun's beginning.
So, "Land of the Rising Sun" isn't just the nickname, it's a transliteration of the actual name of the country.
(now for some unoriginal research)
If America were to adopt a similar "nickname" it might be "Land of Master Workmen" or "Land of Work Rulers". America came from Amerigo, Amerigo came from Amalrich which is Gothic for "work ruler". Other names that have descended are Amery, Emeric, Emery, and the feminine forms which are more common in America; Amelia and Emily.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I can see why Ayn idolized inventors/producers. I'd like to think when I came to comprehension of the systems in place, that I would understand why they are the way they are, and why that way is so effective. But look at the people scramble for answers to obvious issues. Look at the American Government/Media/populace shitting themselves over minor economic problems. It makes America look sad and pathetic. What do we have then? Well we have industry. And no one can fake that. We make good computers and there's no denying that, so I can see why industrialists can seem to be the saviors. Very literally it is industry and people's willingness to stick to their jobs that keeps America running, and winning. Our government sucks. Our media is run by idiots, this means our information is bad, and our leaders couldn't make the right decisions even if they had good info. But you have the companies building them bombs and airplanes, and you have people willing to fly the planes, and refuel the planes, and you have hard working tax-payers willing to foot the bill. So really the only weak link is the government.

You'd think by now that they'd be better. I'm now almost resolute in considering two paths from here. Either I continue through college, and try to get myself in a position where I can try to change America, or when I finish college, I'm leaving America for good. Seeing the American government so bad, and so hurtful and so dumb is like continuing to be around someone that hurts you all the time and takes advantage of you, but you pity them.

Obama and Biden want to tax the shit out of the wealthy. But have they mentioned not SPENDING THE SHIT OUT OF OUR MONEY? No. They will spend. McCain talks about lowering taxes, but has he mentioned not spending the shit out of our money like Bush has done?

You bail out a company, then the taxpayer is essentially paying for a product that they did not want, and will not receive. It would be as if I started a billion dollar company and hired thousands and sold 'punches in the face'. Nobody wanted any, so I went bankrupt, but the government bails me out and I continue to not provide punches and I'm being paid by everyone. That makes sense.

You know what shouldn't make sense? A childhood fantasy of having my own country, but as I get older, it only makes more sense. Only two things make sense, either change the system, or stop caring. I know if I leave America, I will stop caring. I also found that while in love, I was incapable of caring about politics, so not to infer on others, but I can say the more I care about politics, the less happy I am.


So I showed up to one meeting of the Veteran Student Alliance at Delta. I didn't say anything, I didn't promise anything. The meeting was 3 hours after my last class and I was tired and bored by the time it started, the one hour meeting went on to two hours and almost nothing got done. The only plans for the future they had were to do more nothing, or to do a lot of work, to make money, to do more nothing. I honestly don't have a fucking clue how that's supposed to help me. I guess clubs and alliances don't think like that. So someone leaves an answering machine message telling me I need to pick up a shirt today or tomorrow so I will have it ready for a wine tasting event I never agreed to attend. Now, this wine tasting event isn't even for veterans, or even for students. I don't know who the hell it is for, but I do know that the only thing I would be doing is catering. Fuck you. I am not going to cater without reason or pay. Now I had planned on showing up for tomorrow's meeting, but that message tears it. Sign me up for bullshit without my consent? This is absurd.

And I grow further away from people. I signed up for a writing club too. But the whole issue of fundraising again detered me, as well as that whole wait after school 3 hours thing. Maybe I should change my schedule next semester. Have all my classes start after 10:00 am and finish around 2pm.

WHY CAN'T YOU HAVE A CLUB WHERE YOU SHOW UP AND DO FUN THINGS? WHY IS IT ALL ABOUT FUNDRAISING? WHY CAN'T WE JUST AGREE TO NOT CHARGE EACH OTHER FOR OUR TIME, AND WE CAN CONTINUE TO MEET INDEFINITELY? A club should be a formation of people meeting for the discussion or participation in a common interest. A writing club should meet and talk about writing and read each other's work, NOT FUNDRAISE. And a union should be for the benefit of the the members for a specific goal. For example a veteran student union should exist to help veteran students complete schooling in various ways using any available resources. Instead I show up and it seems the only goals are to A. "Make ourselves known" WTF? and B. Make more money to help further objective A.

I don't give a fuck who knows me. I don't care if nobody in the god damn universe gives a fuck who I am or what I've ever done, leastways that I'm a "veteran student" in a union. But if I show up to a Veteran Student Association meeting I expect to participate by helping other veterans, maybe tell stories, maybe help with homework, maybe discuss culture, maybe learn about how I can best ultilize available benefits and network, and other's can do the same. Considering Delta is a 2 year school there should be a 50% turnover rate, so people would have to step up each year and keep the momentum, and maybe someone would be inclined to get a little political in keeping that going, but to do catering for wine testing? What the shit does that fuck have to do with my math test? What does it have to do with my essay in Econ? How does that get me money for rent while I'm a student? It doesn't have any relevance, and it never will. It's like busy work. A self perpetuating system that's only function is to perpetuate itself, my worst enemy. I swear to god if I had a white whale, it would be systems that only serve to continue and have no ultimate goals. I hate them violently whenever I discover them, whether they be religions that raise up people who die who raise up people who die, or Eminem who only raps about rapping, or governments that would do anything to anyone to continue their existence. If it serves no purpose, it is my worst nightmare. Ultimately I accept that humanity is the salvation of the cycles, for we can define our own purposes, and if nothing else, we can accept that our happiness, is a universal peculiarity, and that if we pursue our happiness, the universe is pursuing our happiness, and if it can spread, more can be known, and more awareness can be manifested. Consciousness can grow. To know enough that we don't know much is enough to know that we need to continue to learn. And that isn't self perpetuating without reason, knowledge is the product, and it is constantly springing up.

I understand that everything that came before us, served to put us into existence. That a cyclical planet with spiraling life development was working towards the inevitable domination by life that can control the outcome. It is an insult to our existence to try to recreate the old way. To try to recreate the cycles and laws that worked so long to create us, the destroyers of chaos, the bringers of order is to make meaningless the efforts of the universe, to make meaningless the capabilities you posess in yourself. You can instead constantly improve yourself, and that can not be achieved by only serving to continue what only serves to continue.

Make things better. You should know how. If you don't, you can find out. Don't just accept status quo and try to force it to stay in motion with a spin.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

More of the Same

Looks like Prop 1 is passing. This will give California a high speed rail in 30 years. There couldn't be better thing for this state than being able to move from San Francisco to LA in 2 hours.

What surprises me is Prop 4 got shot down. Maybe it's because it reads "Abortion limits" and "Minor Abortion" in some locations. It actually hasn't a damn thing to do with the legality of abortion. It was only a bill to require that a doctor notify parents if an underage kid wants an abortion (not even ask their permission, just notifying that they're going into surgery). I think it's disgusting that you voted no. But you've voted no before.

I'm glad props 7 and 10 got shot down, but I didn't expect it. 7 would have forced energy companies to use more clean energy, maybe you guys remember 2000 when Enron raped California with energy bills and don't want a return of forced costs. Prop 10 would give rich hippies a rebate for buying energy effecient cars, I can see why you'd vote against that.

WHY DID YOU VOTE NO ON 5???? It would have made possession of a small amount of marijuana an infraction rather than a misdemeanor, which means you'd only get a fine, not go to jail. It also had more options for drug rehab over prison time. What the fuck? Really? Fine, you like overcrowded prisons and the war on drugs, well at least one of those because you also voted no on Prop 6 which would have given more money to law enforcement. This is a strange toss up, you voted to both keep drug users as criminals, but also keep the police for unfunded.

I was personally against the veterans bond because it sought to give what veterans are supposedly already guaranteed. It puts up a bunch of tax payer dollars to help give loans to veterans for homes or farms. This doesn't sit right with me because A. There's already the VA Home Loan Guarantee and B. Loans forced by the government are what caused the current economic collapse. What's a poor veteran going to do with a loan for a house from the state? Get a house. Sure that's nice, but nobody hires veterans, and the state isn't GIVING this money away, it's still a loan. Basically you voted for a bill that seeks to profit off of poor veterans. Because you know damn well the state will get it's money back with interest. All this bill will do is fuck over veterans. Even if it was written well and fair, it still ends up being the state profitting on veterans. How is that good? Well anyway you guys passed it.

And last but most importantly, YOU FUCKERS REALLY FUCKING HATE GAYS DON'T YOU! Prop 8 looks like it's passing.

As for the presidency

I found it interesting looking up some of the old elections. Most of the key players today have been around forever. Sure tonights election ended the Bush/Clinton reign that wanted to go on for a few more decades, but there's more than them if you go back to '88, the last election year before the Bush/Clinton era took hold. Back then, Bush was only a VP. Bush ran, Bob Dole ran, Donald Rumsfeld ran, Joe Biden ran, Jesse Jackson ran, Al Gore ran, MIND YOU THIS IS 20 YEARS AGO, and of course Saint Ron Paul ran, on the anti bailout of communists, and anti foreign drug war ticket which are 2 big distinctions from him and Reagan, who was actually the perpetrator of communist bailouts and secret drug murderings in foreign nations.

Notable events in the election include the Democrats accusing Quayle of not being experienced enough (only being in Congress 12 years) Quayle compared himself in this way to Kennedy who was also inexperienced (only 14 years in Congress) and Dukakis (the eventual Dem ticket winner) famously responded "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy." Of course he was right, Quayle was inexperienced, and the Democrats went on to run campaign ads saying this inexperienced man was "just a heartbeat away" from the presidency (note the Democrats did the same thing this year with Palin, except that Obama has almost zero years experience himself so ridiculously so that his inexperience makes a mockery of everything the Democrats have ever stood for and even trumps their own mockery of Palin, but in a good Communist faith, you can use doublespeak, and actually believe two things at the same time, that's what Democrats did this election year)

Another thing to note is that in '88 Jesse Jackson did extremely well. He barely got beat out by Dukakis, he had won 11 contests and a majority of delegates and votes until right at the end. (I would think that election proved a black man could win, all things considered, but apparently people are fucking morons and completely forgot that Jesse Jackson did better then than even Hillary did this year). Gore did well too but fell short. Joe Biden dropped out in disgrace when ads were ran against him showing he had been giving speeches written by a British politician almost word for word. Although he had credited the writer several times, the implications that he had plagarized persisted.

So Biden dropped out in disgrace, but is our next VP.

Obama has no experience at all. About 1/6th the experience of an "inexperienced" politician, but got elected under the party that set the standard for shitting on the "inexperienced".

1992 would mark the end of the open elections. Certainly there was already a Bush in Power, and this was the begining of a legacy, but at the time it was one of the freest elections in the 20th Century. Things were looking up.

A woman ran as VP, you already had Jesse Jackson prove a black man could win, Ralph Nader began his campaign - but he didn't run, he only promoted people vote "None of the above" though people still voted for him, interestingly enough, more Republicans voted for Nader in '92 than Democrats. Truly these were good times for democracy. The front runner up until June was an Independent. That's right. Can you imagine this fantasy world where almost come election time someone who WASN'T DEM OR REP was the leader in the polls? Ross Perot was the man, and he was proving America still kicked ass, but then he dropped out. I remember when that happened. My Mom was pissed. She still ended up voting for him, but she thought it was dishonest to drop out, and when Perot can back, many people called him a coward, and his popularity plumeted, so in '92, it was an independ's shit baggery that lead to the end of America. It sealed the fate, as no one from then on would even have a shot, unless they were a Dem or a Rep, and if they were named Clinton or Bush, or were the VP of either. Bush began to take the lead, but a failing economy, and the constant ads saying "Read my lips, no new taxes" ( I remember those ads, even I at age 10 was pissed at Bush for that) So Clinton won, kind of like how the economic collapse right near this election sealed the fate for McCain, except where Perot would have been a third wheel, Ron Paul, having lost faith in the possibility of anyone in a 3rd party having a shot, due partially to his own '88 run, due partially to Perot's run, and due mostly to the Bush/Clinton reign, Ron Paul who would have been the perfect 3rd party man, with supporters from both sides, instead went Republican, and this took him out of the game in the primaries. Back in '92 Clinton was the "new" guy. The nobody third string player, all the big Dems had chosen not to go up against Bush who was supposed to win. Clinton won, but with only 43% of the vote. Bush got 37.7% and Perot got 18.9%

Basically, all the front runners and their buddies were the same people 20 years ago. Nothing new. Only Barry is the new guy instead of Clinton, so if Barry wins 4 years from now too, it will be a complete repeat, especially if the Republicans put up a loser like Bob Dole was, loser in '76, loser in '88, loser in '96, so if the predictions are right, it could easily be Palin, loser '08, loser '12.

I guess what also surprised me was finding how much none of this crap is new. A woman ran as VP 20 years ago. Jesse Jackson came very close to winning twice 16 and 20 years ago. A black woman, Shirley Chisholm, ran as a Democrat in '72, and a woman also ran as a VP that year, Tonie Nathan, Libertarian Party, who became the first woman in history to get an electoral vote. I would like to point out at this time that the Libertarian Party was founded almost entirely because of Ayn Rand, though it wasn't directly, all the founders of the Libertarian Party were fans of Ayn Rand, and only later grew apart, as many drifted into various political ideals including Anarcho-Capitalism branching off of Libertarianism, and Anarcho-Capitalism itself splitting off in two major ways.

In conclusion, you can suck my ass California for voting for stupid shit.

You can suck my ass America for electing more of the same.

You got what you deserved McCain, you think you're so hip for crapping all over Ron Paul and picking Palin. Fuck that, Palin voiced her support for Ron Paul long before you rolled into mediocrity. McCain only won the nomination by default, the other candidates had much bigger bases, but McCain just hummed along as they knocked each other out. And though you may have thought you were hip with your Palin, Ayn Rand's children had already broke down that barrier with a woman in the 70s, and the closest we had this year to an Ayn Rand supporter was Ron Paul. It should have been Ron Paul / Sarah Palin, or my dream election Ron Paul / Arnold Schwarzenegger. But Arnold wasn't born in America. Which brings me to my next rant.

Fuck you Obama, America deserves you. They want inexperience, they got you. They don't want inexperience, they got you. You're almost an American too, you were born in what some consider America, and although you were raised in Pacific islands and far away Muslim controlled countries, and half your family was illegal immigrants and Africans, hey, you're somewhat American. Hell, maybe you've spent as many years in America as Schwarzenegger has, he came here in the late 60s, wait, you didn't move to America until about 1980. Ok nevermind. But I suppose you beat out McCain who was born in Panama, and spent his youth trying to get away from America.

So here you are America. You all voted this time around. All branches of the government are controlled by lefties. I hope you socialists shut the fuck up for at least the next 2 years. And god be praised if the Republican Party completely collapses in its own hypocrisy.